Massachusets Man Who Defended Himself From Anti-Israel Attacker Reportedly Loses His Job
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Massachusets Man Who Defended Himself From Anti-Israel Attacker Reportedly Loses His Job

Massachusets Man Who Defended Himself From Anti-Israel Attacker Reportedly Loses His Job

Scott Hayes: “If my life has to be ruined for trying to help the Jewish people to survive, then that’s the price.”

You may remember Scott Hayes, the pro-Israel Massachusetts man who was viciously attacked and tackled by an anti-Israel agitator, and during the ensuing fight on the ground Hayes shot that attacker.

The Newton, MA, police immediately arrested and charged Hayes. It tooks several days for charges to be brought against the attacker.

Andrew Branca covered some of the legal issues in the case for us, and I wrote that the case put the Right Of Israel Supporters To Defend Themselves On Trial:

Now it turns out that Hayes lost his job with National Grid, reports Kassy Akiva at The Daily Wire:

Scott Hayes, 47, says he lost his job because he defended himself by shooting an anti-Israel attacker who charged through traffic and tackled him in Newton, Massachusetts.

Hayes was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and released on a $5,000 bail on September 13 after he shot Caleb Gannon, 31, in the stomach the day before. Hayes pleaded not guilty and is arguing that he acted in self defense.

The disabled Iraq War veteran was contracted to provide natural gas leak detection, leak surveys, and inspections for a company that contracts with National Grid, one of the largest utility provider companies in Massachusetts.

National Grid refused to allow Hayes to work on their account after the incident. As a result, his company informed him on Sunday — a month after the attack — that there was no work available, and advised Hayes to file for unemployment.

“National Grid tried to hold me guilty until proven innocent and kept me out of work for one month because of optics,” Hayes told The Daily Wire. “Then, at about the 30-day mark, while I was honoring the hostages, I got a phone call telling me that I should go collect unemployment.”

“As of today, I am jobless,” he added….

A judge ordered Hayes’s GPS ankle monitor removed last Monday — on the anniversary of Hamas’s October 7 attack — after granting his lawyer’s petition. The judge also lifted Hayes’s curfew and restrictions on being in Newton on the same day. Hayes’s lawyer noted in his motion that the GPS monitor incorrectly activated several times when Hayes used the Massachusetts Turnpike and Route 128, which go through Newton.

Hayes is still forbidden from possessing firearms, though his firearm was lawful at the time of the shooting. Hayes’s next court date is November 7.

Hayes told me he had nothing to add to The Daily Wire story. National Grid did not respond to a request for comment.


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I hope that upright people of whatever religious faith, help Mr. Hayes out by offering him new employment.

People possessing this type of integrity and strong moral fiber are an asset at any business/company.

What happened to Hayes is shameful, but, we should not be surprised at the outcome. We are living in dark times, indeed.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to guyjones. | October 16, 2024 at 4:00 am

    There is a gofundme page to help him with legal and medical expenses. It was set up before he lost his job.

      That is great to hear. That said, no amount of donations can substitute for having an actual job and the pride, self-respect and purpose that come with it.

      Jaundiced Observer in reply to ahad haamoratsim. | October 16, 2024 at 11:18 am

      I admit to being in a mixed reaction mode.

      Partly I admire his stance.

      I also agree with National Grid if it’s unwilling to employ someone who shoots other people.

      Was gun violence the only or even best response? We aren’t told. Or given the facts of the alleged assault by the guy who was shot.

        Cockroaches deserve what they get.

        The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Jaundiced Observer. | October 16, 2024 at 1:28 pm

        Jaundiced Observer means a jaundiced eye. So: rheum with a view?

        so maybe, National Grid gives him a bonus if he would just taken a beating

        Your handle is appropriate. You really ARE jaundiced.

        Lethal force is justified whenever one person is phusically atacking another without just causee by physically overpowering th victim. Iin this case, the guy who raced across the street WAS phusically attacking this man with no justification. HIS (that of the atttacker) life was not in danger, his arget was clear across the stree. When a violent large male begins to ground and poind someone who poaed NO threat to the attacker, the vici (he gu on the ground who had done no harm to his ttacker) is fully justifid in the prsentation and use of lethal force, i.e.m a firearm. REAd the laws relating to the use or lethal force when attacked.

        inspectorudy in reply to Jaundiced Observer. | October 18, 2024 at 6:34 pm

        Not only are you jaundiced but ignorant too. The story was well covered and it was obvious to any open-minded person that when you are attacked and tackled to the ground, at that moment you do not know the intent of your attacker or whether or not he is armed and what with. It should be everyone’s right to defend themselves against this type of assault with deadly force and not have to decide if their attacker doesn’t have a knife or gun and just take a beating. If ever there was an open and shut case of self-defense this is it!

The Gentle Grizzly | October 15, 2024 at 8:36 pm

Well… it Is Massachusetts.

Do not live in the land of the Massholes.

Subotai Bahadur | October 15, 2024 at 9:20 pm

One of the key factors in our coming collapse as a society is that the rule of law is becoming the rule of those in power. In Leftist Massachusetts, the Left rules and between the prosecutors, judges, and Zeks that make up juries we can be sure that Hayes will be convicted of any charge those in power care to throw at him. And we can be sure that he will be held liable in any civil suit Gannon cares to file.

When the integrity and legitimacy of a legal system cannot be trusted, it is time to remove yourself from its reach. It has been mentioned before that free people need to get out of Leftist controlled areas. We are different countries now.

Subotai Bahadur

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | October 15, 2024 at 11:25 pm

    Especially important is getting out of leftist cities. The are powder kegs waiting for a spark.

    It doesn’t even matter if he is acquitted. The process is the punishment. It is meant to bankrupt you. It is also a message to others who might wish to protect themselves. You are not allowed self defense.
    You are correct don’t live in such places.

The Axis of Evil: the corridor from Massachusetts to Washington DC. The west coast has a similar axis from Washington to California. More and more the US is becoming two antagonistic countries which need to break up to avoid a civil war.

    The only way a break up will happen is if there is a civil war. The elitest Leftist of the East Coast and the West Coast depend on the rest of the country to survive. Without “Flyover” country they they know they will quickly collapse.

      DaveGinOly in reply to BillB52. | October 16, 2024 at 1:16 am

      It will end not with a bang, but a whimper.
      As conservative States secede, progressives in the remaining States will see themselves as the force remaining on the battlefield – the winners. They will see that the departure of Red States from the Union increases their power, even while limiting its reach. They’ll see that as a fair trade for an opportunity to effectuate their socialist Untopia (that’s not a misspelling) in the remaining States with little to no opposition. They’ll be at least as happy to be rid of the Red States as the Red States will be happy to be rid of them. The breakup may be contentious and difficult, but both sides will be content with the outcome. Remember, the Red States love America, yet they will be the ones to depart. The Blue States left behind hate America. Why would they have any desire to enforce the continuance of the Union that is America? They’ll be glad to see its dissipation.

        CommoChief in reply to DaveGinOly. | October 16, 2024 at 7:23 am

        I suspect that the tyrannical tendencies of the wokiestas based in part on their (false) sense of moral/cultural/intellectual superiority won’t subside enough for them to simply allow a peaceful split. IMO the lefty Karens like telling others how to live, what to do, how to think far too much to let it go. The more intelligent among them appreciate they can’t really be a viable Nation without the bulk of the Red States. Where they gonna get fuel, natural Gas, wheat, corn beef, pork and poultry if at some future point they PO the new Red nation enough to spark an embargo? Canada is a possibility but so is much of the resource rich portions of Canada joining the new Red nation.

      REDACTED in reply to BillB52. | October 16, 2024 at 6:34 am

      Flyover country has become the FleeTo country

      MAJack in reply to BillB52. | October 16, 2024 at 10:30 am

      Atlas Shrugged meets real life.

        RevJay4 in reply to MAJack. | October 16, 2024 at 10:57 am

        More folks need to read Atlas Shrugged to get a picture of what is happening to our nation, and the world. So many similarities. Sad, but true.

    henrybowman in reply to oden. | October 15, 2024 at 10:53 pm

    When I was younger, that corridor used to be referred to as BosWash. I haven’t heard that term in years, but I have seen another acronym used for it, though I have no idea what the letters stand for.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to oden. | October 16, 2024 at 11:06 am

    On the Left Coast, it is the I-5 corridor that exerts its despotic rule over the rest of a reliably red state.

    It appears that when humans gather in these cement hives they prefer a totalitarian ruling structure. Or maybe its that these particular humans can’t function away from the hive, I’m not sure.

MoeHowardwasright | October 16, 2024 at 6:15 am

I feel for the guy. And the attacker definitely was the instigator. Mr Branca was correct about proportional response. I think everyone agrees that the aggressor got what he deserved. The law that gun owners operate under, especially in Massachusetts, says differently. It’s now going to be up to a jury to decide both the criminal and potential civil trials.

E Howard Hunt | October 16, 2024 at 7:46 am

The legal system is so utterly corrupt it would be moral of him to flee to Israel if it will take him.

As (I believe) Andrew has said: The process is the punishment.

As noted above, in a Free State, he would not have been charged.

Reason #342 why I’m glad that I no longer live there.

Sounds like egregious Civil Rights violations all the way around. Does anybody know a lawyer who’s ready to take on these commies?

Read Branca’s column before you comment. The self-defense doctrine applies almost everywhere, not just MA

While it’s not right, this result isn’t confined to an edge case, nor to Massachusetts. Anyone who shoots someone – even in self-defense – is likely to be fired if their name will be in the paper for months during a trial for murder. Unless you work at a small firm, it’s very likely the suits in the corporate suite will simply let you go – “bad publicity for the company” and such. (And not just shooting someone; a DUI that makes the papers, false accusations of messing with kids, etc.)

This is why (not bashing Mr Hayes, at all) people talk about how to make sure your self-defense is a good shoot, not to talk to the police until you’ve got an attorney, and pay for some self-defense legal help. Because you will need the help.

I’m also going to take a moment to critique Mr Hayes’ “helpers” in the fight.
If they had actually done more than stomp on the guy, Mr Hayes probably wouldn’t be in this predicament. If they had actually gotten into the mix and pulled the bad guy out and held him, it’s likely there would have been no gun play at all. Simply sticking your feet in and stomping the guy didn’t really provide much help.

    Andy in reply to GWB. | October 16, 2024 at 11:44 am

    I’m critical of the gun owner.

    If you can pack a massive chunk of iron ($600-1200), you can pack a 2 oz can of OC spray ($12).

    He didn’t. Like most gun owners, he had no sense, nor training of least use of force.

    It’s like contesting your property tax assessment with a Kill Dozer.

    Are you about self defense or are you about using the only the tool in your belt?

      GWB in reply to Andy. | October 17, 2024 at 11:28 am

      Actually, in my case, I can’t carry the OC spray and the other possible non-lethal tools because I would look like I’m heavily armed. It’s hard enough concealing the “massive chunk of iron.”

      BTW, what does the price of the tool have to do with anything? (And, why do you think self-defense handguns start at $600? All four of mine came in below that. A couple well below that.) A handgun is something you can pass down to grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

    texansamurai in reply to GWB. | October 16, 2024 at 2:43 pm

    Simply sticking your feet in and stomping the guy didn’t really provide much help.

    while agree to an extent, at least they reacted and tried to help–this was an unprovoked assault by some wacko–hayes let the guy get too close–is a shame one of the others didn’t just step in and drop the guy

destroycommunism | October 16, 2024 at 11:55 am

if the attacker had been blm

he would be the next “Billy Hayes”